Soil & Soul


In the past I’ve imagined healing as an “upward cycle.” The cycle addresses the reality that we tend to be retriggered by things we thought we had already healed. The upward addresses the idea that the revisit doesn’t mean that progress hasn’t been made but that we’re getting closer to healing with each revisit. But I started to wonder if healing is more of a downward cycle, meaning that it’s taking us deeper down (and in) instead of higher up (and out). 

As we’re being called to heal racism, a pandemic, climate change, colonialism, corruption, etc., I recognize that while we absolutely need to divert funds, change laws, alter spending habits, achieve pay equity and do all the things that are in our power, true and lasting change will not be made on paper (or social media) but in hearts. We tend to steer away from this because there are no clear steps on how to do this and even more impossible when it comes to others we don’t agree with. 

We understand that it’s not enough to address the symptoms if you are not simultaneously getting to the root. This is clearly demonstrated in our current farming practices. Our use of pesticides may be effective, but is it causing us more harm in the long run? I’ve been learning from Farmer’s Footprint and Zach Bush that if we heal the soil (the foundation of Mama Earth), then we heal what grows out of her and heal all life that is nourished by her. Makes sense right?

The same can be said for the individual. As one human in this collective, I can work on going deeper and heal my foundation so that whatever grows from me is compassionate and collaborative, even to those that hold different views than I do. This process allows me to gather insight so that I can see what works and offer it to the collective. What will resonate with each person is highly individual. 

At this point my healing is a downward cycle and my goal is not to go “up to the light” but to travel “down to the darkness of the soil” and to nourish myself there so that the weeds of inequality in every manifestation can no longer thrive. For me this looks like taking Dr. Rocio Rosales Meza’s Decolonization webinar, participating in her group energy healings, remembering my upbringing around plant medicine and embracing and honoring these practices more, learning about the indigenous history of El Salvador, and seeking ways to connect to and give back to the earth. All of these are rooting, grounding, soul nourishing and a way for me to go deeper down and in. 

We are in urgent times so of course we need to keep our awareness and actions on immediate relief, but these times are also calling for sustainability as much as possible in those responses. So whether we’re talking about the soil or the soul, let us nourish both while we do the work that each of us is being called to do. This is what healing looks like for me right now. What does it look like for you? 


“Shadows lead to light.”



